[HiVoter.Com - Hawaii's Voter File Online]
Fri Feb 7th, 2025, 5:57 PM

HiVoter.com Information
HiVoter.com is an online campaign tool for contacting voters. The system requires a login and a password. The rates for a login and password vary depending on the office and how payment is made. Note that HiLeg.org is a sibling website available only to the office staff of elected officials.

Data Availability

HiVoter.com begins as a browser based interface to the Hawaii State voter file. The following table highlights what data are provided.

Per Voter    Source  HiVoter.com
(For Campaigns)
(For Government)

Current File: 2024-09-17CountyXX

Full Name (each field separately)CountyXX


Residential Address (each field separately)CountyXX

Mailing AddressCountyXX

Bad AddressCountyXX


House DistrictCountyXX

Senate DistrictCountyXX

Congressional DistrictCountyXX

City Council DistrictCountyXX


Voter Participation back to 1996CountyXX

Voter Registration DateCountyXX

Voter Affidavit NumberCountyXX

Number of Male Registered Voters in HouseholdGeneratedXX

Number of Female Registered Voters in HouseholdGeneratedXX

Number of Active Voters in HouseholdGeneratedXX

Number of Units with Registered Voters at Building AddressGeneratedXX

Surname Ethnicity (~85% coded)CommercialXX

Listed Phone Number (~40% voters statewide)CommercialXX

Email Address (~28,000 email addresses statewide)CommercialXX

Donor history to state and county campaigns (more than $100). Dates and amounts (~8,100 statewide)Campaign SpendingX

Website Features

The website is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, iPhone Safari and most other browsers. The user performs searches, and then either outputs the results in some form or adds the results into "My List" for outputting later. Choices for output cover all the necessary formats for campaigning such as mailing labels, canvassing lists, lists for phone banking or robo-calls, spreadsheets, signup sheets, etc. You can even email from the website. The following table lists the features:

Description   Type   HiVoter.com
(For Campaigns)
(For Government)

Quick SearchInputXX

Comprehensive Database Search FormInputXX

Includes Radial Search and Custom ListsInputXX

Donors - Search for Voters who contribute to campaigns. Search by campaign and number of campaigns.InputX

Custom Category Codes - up to 26 categories. Unlimited codes per categoryInputXX

Update Individual Address (Residential, Mailing)InputXX

Add New IndividualInputXX

Custom Category Code Barcode InputInputXX

Search Results Summary PageOutputXX

Individual Record DisplayOutputXX

Donor Summaries - Displays campaigns, donation totals per campaign and donation dates.OutputX

Print Mailing Labels directly from browserOutputXX

Group Labels by Individual, Family Name or Mailing AddressOutputXX

Print Postcards directly from browser - ready to PDF and email to printerOutputXX

Display any search results in a Google Map (KML file can also be viewed in Google Earth)OutputXX

Email List - Send email to search resultsOutputXX

Free Newsletter Email ListInput/OutputX

Spreadsheet Download with Custom Column SelectionOutputXX

Excel FormatOutputXX

Tables formatted for Event Sign Up Sheets. w/BarcodesOutputXX

Address Lists formatted for Canvassing. w/BarcodesOutputX

Voter Lists formatted for Door-to-Door. w/BarcodesOutputX

Phone Numbers formatted for Phone BankingOutputX

Address Lists formatted for Friend-to-Friend BinderOutputX

Donations - Record campaign donationsInput/OutputX
Each account has only one temporary storage list ("My List") for building lists from multiple searches. Also, accounts are restricted to performing only one search at a time. If an account is being used by multiple users simultaneously, an subordinate account may become useful or necessary. Subordinate accounts access the same data but maintain their own "My List" and can perform searches on the primary data simultaneously with the primary account.

For HiVoter.com accounts, email, text message and telephone support is available for free. One onsite training session is available for free. We will produce PDFs or Excel spreadsheets of lists for you from your account upon request for $100 per request.

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